Fail-Proof Advice For Dealing With Yeast Infections

There are many causes for yeast infections, and knowing how to treat them if they develop is a key to staying in good health. This article will tell you how to treat and prevent yeast infections effectively.

After you perform an activity that requires you to exert a lot of energy, make sure that you change into a fresh set of clothing. When you stay dry, your vaginal area will stay yeast-free.

Avoid douching under any circumstances. Although you might think you are doing good to clean the area, in actuality the body has its own way to control this issue and keep it in balance. This will disrupt your natural balance, which can yield an infection. Soap and water can serve as the best possible treatment.

Do not use anything that is scented or irritating. A lot of women make use of douches or body scrubs in or around their vagina. These things can cause vaginal irritation and can affect the natural lubrication of the area. This will leave you susceptible to a yeast infection. Only use soap intended for your vagina.

Use lactobacilius acidophilis. It is a live culture that can be found in yogurt and will slow the growth of yeast infections. If you are using live culture yogurt to treat a yeast infection, be sure to purchase the kind that does not contain sugar. Yeast need to eat sugar, so the more you take in, the more they can reproduce.

Don’t wear fancy underwear if you think you are vulnerable to a yeast infection. Traditional cotton panties mean dryness, while nylon and lace retain moisture. These fabrics create a place for yeast to thrive so that you can deal with another infection, so stay with cotton!

A great natural remedy is tea tree oil. It is helpful in killing the yeast. Mix in a bit of sweet almond oil, then apply it to the vagina directly. If you apply tea tree without diluting it with another oil, it can cause discomfort and burning. This can be effective in fighting away yeast infections and restoring harmony to your body!

You no longer have to deal with pesky yeast infection symptoms. These tips will help you get rid of the problem. Get rid of your irritation by trying out the advice this article shares with you concerning yeast infections.

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